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Sunday, 25 July 2010
What a pretty bag!
Dear reader,
…. I just HAD to post an entry on this…. My boyfriend bought me this really really cool and totally awesome Alice in Wonderland bag:
Isn’t it neat? :D I am totaly in love with it hahahah. It’s from a brand that is called Baba Studio which is located in Prague. They ship internationally. I myself have not bought my bag directly from Baba Studio, but through a website called Redspective: this is located in Berlin and as a result, is a lot closer to Amsterdam ;). So the bag arrives earlier and the shipping costs are lower.
Babastudios sells bags with all types of prints on it (from Alice in Wonderland to the Little Mermaid to something more Gothic or even something called Bohemian cats; those are really awesome!). Also they have different types of bags such as laptop bags, but also purses etc. Mind you the bags are quite expensive but the quality of the bag is really good. My bag is nice and sturdy and although it doesn’t look that big for a messenger bag… you can fit the world in there O.o. Another plus is that you can turn the bag into a backpack :D. So if it gets too heavy for one shoulder you can just divide the weight! Like this:
Well that’s my hyper active entry for today ;). Again: I will be leaving for France today, so I won’t be posting for a week *sob*. Sorry guys! I post a full account of my journey up here.

Isn’t it neat? :D I am totaly in love with it hahahah. It’s from a brand that is called Baba Studio which is located in Prague. They ship internationally. I myself have not bought my bag directly from Baba Studio, but through a website called Redspective: this is located in Berlin and as a result, is a lot closer to Amsterdam ;). So the bag arrives earlier and the shipping costs are lower.
Babastudios sells bags with all types of prints on it (from Alice in Wonderland to the Little Mermaid to something more Gothic or even something called Bohemian cats; those are really awesome!). Also they have different types of bags such as laptop bags, but also purses etc. Mind you the bags are quite expensive but the quality of the bag is really good. My bag is nice and sturdy and although it doesn’t look that big for a messenger bag… you can fit the world in there O.o. Another plus is that you can turn the bag into a backpack :D. So if it gets too heavy for one shoulder you can just divide the weight! Like this:
Well that’s my hyper active entry for today ;). Again: I will be leaving for France today, so I won’t be posting for a week *sob*. Sorry guys! I post a full account of my journey up here.
Labels:Pretty stuffles | 1 comments
Saturday, 24 July 2010
The wedding!
Well I’m back ;). I had a wonderful yet tiring couple of days. It really was quite a journey. All it all it took us about 3,5 hours by train and 15 mins by car to get there. At the station we were picked up by one of my aunts, Marian (the twin sister of the aunt that was getting married) and driven to her house. There we were welcomed by my aunt’s girlfriend, Rita, and my two nieces, Ilonka and Ragonda. Ilonka already has a child, which is about two years old by now. I had never met the little girl before, as I just did not have the time to go visit (which was a real pity). The little girl was just adorable! She just made me want to pick her up and cuddle her all the time something which I did not do, since I thought that she probably would not like it; seeing that I was a complete stranger and all ^__^”. She did seem to take a liking to me, since she came to me all by herself. It took a while for her to warm up towards my boyfriend and parents though. I think that’s probably because I look a bit like my nieces; so it felt save or something. When we left later that evening she even came to me to ask for a goodbye kiss…. *squeal* so cute. I wish I could have brought her home with me hahaha.
Labels:Life and stuff | 1 comments
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Packing, packing, packing
Dear reader,
Well I just finished packing. I am going to visit my aunt, since she is going to marry her girlfriend (yes they are lesbians). ^-^ I am going away for three days (coming back on Friday), so there won’t be any posts from me until then. I don’t think I will be able to get to a computer… knowing my aunts (yes two of my aunts live there) and nieces they will want my full attention hahaha. But that does make sense since we haven’t seen each other in about two years.
My boyfriend and I will be staying with one of my nieces. It will probably be really fun! My parents will be staying with the aunt who is the sister of the aunt that is getting married. Since it is going to be hot we are probably going to take a dip in the inflatable pool that they have in their backyard…. Which will be heaven for me, since heat and I don’t go together hahaha. In the evening we will be helping out with the preparations for the party after the wedding. My aunt is getting married early in the morning so the party will last from morning to night… After which I will probably be exhausted ^__^”. Not that I am such a party animal… XD I really am not.
Well I will write about all the exciting things that have happened as soon as I get back :D.
Take care and see you soon ;)
Well I just finished packing. I am going to visit my aunt, since she is going to marry her girlfriend (yes they are lesbians). ^-^ I am going away for three days (coming back on Friday), so there won’t be any posts from me until then. I don’t think I will be able to get to a computer… knowing my aunts (yes two of my aunts live there) and nieces they will want my full attention hahaha. But that does make sense since we haven’t seen each other in about two years.
My boyfriend and I will be staying with one of my nieces. It will probably be really fun! My parents will be staying with the aunt who is the sister of the aunt that is getting married. Since it is going to be hot we are probably going to take a dip in the inflatable pool that they have in their backyard…. Which will be heaven for me, since heat and I don’t go together hahaha. In the evening we will be helping out with the preparations for the party after the wedding. My aunt is getting married early in the morning so the party will last from morning to night… After which I will probably be exhausted ^__^”. Not that I am such a party animal… XD I really am not.
Well I will write about all the exciting things that have happened as soon as I get back :D.
Take care and see you soon ;)
Labels:Life and stuff | 1 comments
Monday, 19 July 2010
The mass media's influence on storylines and character images with regards to novels and fairytales.
Dear reader,
Well today I wanted to challenge myself with a Plinky prompt… But seeing that today´s prompt is ‘Fictionalize a real argument that you have had. Write only in dialogue’, and taking into consideration that I cannot remember the last time I had an argument with anyone, I will write about something completely different. Instead the topic will be on how the mass media has influenced entire storylines or the images that we have of characters of novels and fairytales. ‘why?’ you ask? Well I am currently reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula and before I started I had this image of Dracula in my mind which was probably similar to this:

Labels:Film and literature | 1 comments
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Time for a small celebration
Well today it is time for a small celebration. My boyfriend and I have now officially been together for 3,5 years. And what a 3,5 years it were.
We met over the internet. An ex-colleague of mine had given him my e-mail address, saying that I was far better at dealing with people who were a bit depressed because they were 'lonely'. At the time I was actually helping a lot of people with their problems, so I just thought 'oh well, one more, what the heck' hahah. I was surprised when he added me though, since he had the same last name as one of my teachers at the time. Apparently, she was his aunt hahaha. After talking to him for about 3 months we decided to meet up... Mainly, because I was looking for a victim to drag along to see the movie Happy Feet. And since he volunteered.... hahhaa. There was just one problem: how was I to recognise him. He did say that I would recognise him by a red rose, but I thought that he was just making a joke. However, there he stood looking all cute with a red rose in his hands.... I am weak against those types of attacks hahaha. Yet, at the time I did not actually realize that I was on a date... After all, we were going to see happy feet (not exactly a movie you would go see on a date).
Labels:Life and stuff | 2
Saturday, 17 July 2010
New stuff.... and LOTS OF CUTENESS!!!
Dear readers,

Also I added a toybox filled with some cute adoptables that I encountered whilst browsing the net for ideas.... Aren't they just the cutest? I really am a cuteness addict, so I am a TOTAL sucker for things like that. It reminded me that I once also tried my hand at making pixels. So I browsed through some of the maps on my computer and... I found them! For a first time they turned out pretty nicely (if I do say so myself). And I just realised that they are perfect for emotion icons... :D which I will be using them for from this blogpost onwards. Look at all the cuteness:
Labels:Cuteness galore | 2
Friday, 16 July 2010
First entry!
Time to celebrate the first post on this brand new blog. I think this is probably the third time that I am starting a new with a blog, but this time I am really planning on keeping it alive. In the past I have probably just been a tad to serious when it came to posting... I only wanted to post when I had something really really important to tell... ^__^" Which meant I did not post very often, since most of my time was taken up by school and work. This time, however, I am going to do things differently. After summer I will probably still dedicated most of my time to school... However, I have found the perfect sulotion. I have discovered a site which is called Plinky, which gives you a new topics to discuss on your blog everyday. So, if I don't have anything to post, why not challenge myself a bit and try to answer the question which is posted... and do some soul searching or something? hahaha. Or I might just discuss some of the novels that I will be reading... or a movie that I have seen.. Random stuff like most people do :P.
So that's it for the introduction post :D. More will follow reaaaalll soon.
Labels:Blog thingies | 2
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