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Here are some website of fellow bloggers that I would really recommend:
Other fun websites:
- ★ Bianca-Online (Dutch) This is a personal website of a very good friend of mine. She's a frequent blogger so there is always something new to read ;).
★ Shimmer and shine (Dutch) This is the beautyblog which is owned by the same person as Bianca-online.
★ Just my ride (Dutch) A personal website from a good friend. Although she does not blog very frequently her blogs are either funny or deep and always well written.
★ High level refuse This weblog belongs to an upcoming writer who is a friend of mine. His stories are extremely funnys, so check it out if you are in the mood for some laughs ;).
★ Our First Steps The family blog of one of my best friends.
Other fun websites:
- ★ My Academic Portfolio For those who would like to know more about my research interests etc.
★ Desert Anime This is an RP site where I am often to be found.
★ Disney Dreamers This is my Disney site. I have not been able to update it in ages, because I have surpassed the storage limit, but there is a lot of fun things on there, so please give it a visit.
★ Most Cutest A Dutch website that sells loads of cute things. They also ship overseas so make sure to check it out.
★ Sugar Bunny Shop A webshop that sells home made cute accessories, plushies, bags, t-shirts and loads more. Definitely one of my favourite webshops. Be sure to check it out :D.
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