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Monday, 27 September 2010
Quick update
Dear reader,
No I have not died yet... Almost did, but not quite lol.
I have not been able to update my blog at all for the past four weeks, since they have been absolute hell. I am even typing this in my break at my internship... Could not have got round to it other wise.
So what has been going on? My teachers have just been building moutains of homework for me, and some of the texts are just insanely difficult. I find myself wondering what on earth posessed me to take a subject with Cultural Analyses... Though it's not just me. Some of the students that already have their Bachelors degree in Cultural Analyses are struggling even more than I am.
Well next to that I still have my intership for which I sometimes need to do reading assignments at home. Also I have taken up the job of typing out an interview for a renounced Dutch literary magazine. The interview lasts for 6 hours and it really is a hell of a job. So I am pretty much struggling to keep up with the workload and sometimes it is even difficult to keep up with my e-mails... Not that I get that many, but that just goes to show.
Also I still have the work for the student organization on my hands. The booksale which we held was quite a success, but this also means more work for me since my financial administration is now out dated and a bit of a mess. So yeah I have to review the financial statements that I made prior to the booksales... But after the general membership meeting on (I believe) october 15, then I will be a free woman again with regard to the organization ahhaha.
Either way, I am expecting things to calm down shortly, seeing that the interview will be finished next week (or so I hope) and that my role as treasurer is coming to an end. By next week I hope that I have been able to adapt to the rythm of having to go to school and interinship, so that I can find time to update regularly again. Yes I am really planning on doing so! If everything else fails I will just have to wait until week 8... Then I will have rounded off the Cultural Analyses subject... meaning that I will have extra time for sure! Yeay \(^-^)/.
So please do not give up on me yet!
Love from an insanely busy,
No I have not died yet... Almost did, but not quite lol.
I have not been able to update my blog at all for the past four weeks, since they have been absolute hell. I am even typing this in my break at my internship... Could not have got round to it other wise.
So what has been going on? My teachers have just been building moutains of homework for me, and some of the texts are just insanely difficult. I find myself wondering what on earth posessed me to take a subject with Cultural Analyses... Though it's not just me. Some of the students that already have their Bachelors degree in Cultural Analyses are struggling even more than I am.
Well next to that I still have my intership for which I sometimes need to do reading assignments at home. Also I have taken up the job of typing out an interview for a renounced Dutch literary magazine. The interview lasts for 6 hours and it really is a hell of a job. So I am pretty much struggling to keep up with the workload and sometimes it is even difficult to keep up with my e-mails... Not that I get that many, but that just goes to show.
Also I still have the work for the student organization on my hands. The booksale which we held was quite a success, but this also means more work for me since my financial administration is now out dated and a bit of a mess. So yeah I have to review the financial statements that I made prior to the booksales... But after the general membership meeting on (I believe) october 15, then I will be a free woman again with regard to the organization ahhaha.
Either way, I am expecting things to calm down shortly, seeing that the interview will be finished next week (or so I hope) and that my role as treasurer is coming to an end. By next week I hope that I have been able to adapt to the rythm of having to go to school and interinship, so that I can find time to update regularly again. Yes I am really planning on doing so! If everything else fails I will just have to wait until week 8... Then I will have rounded off the Cultural Analyses subject... meaning that I will have extra time for sure! Yeay \(^-^)/.
So please do not give up on me yet!
Love from an insanely busy,
Labels:Life and stuff | 2
Saturday, 4 September 2010
On lots of things!
Dear reader,
Sorry for not posting or a while. I have been insanely busy the past few days. So… this post will pretty much be a summary of the things I have been doing hahaha.
Tuesday I had a meeting with the other board members of the student organization on the booksale which we will be holding next week. Subsequently, I had an introduction of the new Masters that I will be taking. I was really pumped up after this. The other students look really friendly and the teacher announced that he will take our background and interests into account whilst determining the schedule for the course that he will be teaching.... So I am totally looking forward to that.
On Wednesday was the second day of my internship. Everything went a lot more smoothly then on Monday and my supervisor really gave me a lot of chores to do. Next Monday morning I will be all by myself. So basically… I will be flying solo…. Which I think is pretty scary considering the fact that it will only be my third day. Well my supervisor clearly has a lot of trust in me ^__^”. So yeah tomorrow I will probably be really nervous hahaha.
Sorry for not posting or a while. I have been insanely busy the past few days. So… this post will pretty much be a summary of the things I have been doing hahaha.
Tuesday I had a meeting with the other board members of the student organization on the booksale which we will be holding next week. Subsequently, I had an introduction of the new Masters that I will be taking. I was really pumped up after this. The other students look really friendly and the teacher announced that he will take our background and interests into account whilst determining the schedule for the course that he will be teaching.... So I am totally looking forward to that.
On Wednesday was the second day of my internship. Everything went a lot more smoothly then on Monday and my supervisor really gave me a lot of chores to do. Next Monday morning I will be all by myself. So basically… I will be flying solo…. Which I think is pretty scary considering the fact that it will only be my third day. Well my supervisor clearly has a lot of trust in me ^__^”. So yeah tomorrow I will probably be really nervous hahaha.
Labels:Film and literature,Life and stuff | 1 comments
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