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Monday, 31 October 2011
Popular Millenarnanism 1780-1850
The focus of this blogpost is J. F. C. Harrisson's book The Second Coming: Popular Millenarianism 1780-1850. For those of you not familliar with Millenarnianism I will first start out with a short explanation of what it entails.
Millenarianism, as the name already makes clear, is the belief in the resurrection of Christ and the coming of the new Millenium on earth. According to the bible, Christ would return to earth and would resurrect the dead. There was quite some debate if this resurrection of the dead would take place before or after the establishment of the new millenium; the 1000 years within which man lived together with Christ on the earth. During those 1000 years the sinners (be it those who had not yet died before the second coming or those who were resurrected from the dead) would be punished for their sins, whereas the true believers would remain unharmed as they would receive the seal of Christ as proof of their loyalty. At the end of the millenium heaven and earth would be destroyed and a new earth and heaven would be created. The Final Judgment would then take place; the sinners would be doomed to live in Ghenna (hell) and the saved would go to a new heaven, which was known as the New Jerusalem.
Labels:Film and literature,Tutorial | 0
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Hell and the Victorians
Dear reader,
As promised, another blog entry about the material that I need to read for my tutorial. The subject of this post is Geoffrey Rowell's book Hell and the Victorians and will deal with the different views on hell as well as eschatology in the Victorian era.
As promised, another blog entry about the material that I need to read for my tutorial. The subject of this post is Geoffrey Rowell's book Hell and the Victorians and will deal with the different views on hell as well as eschatology in the Victorian era.
Labels:Film and literature,Tutorial | 0
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Heaven, hell and the Victorians
Dear reader,
As I wrote in one of my previous post, I am supposed to write critical analysis and/or summary's of the books that I read for my tutorial. Since I know that some people who follow this blog are interested in the Victorian Era, I thought it might be a good idea to share my summaries/ analyses with them. Hopefully, they can be of some use to someone out there.
The summary's are very short and therefore incomplete, but it might just provide people with enough information so they knew whether or not they should read the book.
My first summary is on Heaven, Hell and the Victorians by Michael Wheeler.
As I wrote in one of my previous post, I am supposed to write critical analysis and/or summary's of the books that I read for my tutorial. Since I know that some people who follow this blog are interested in the Victorian Era, I thought it might be a good idea to share my summaries/ analyses with them. Hopefully, they can be of some use to someone out there.
The summary's are very short and therefore incomplete, but it might just provide people with enough information so they knew whether or not they should read the book.
My first summary is on Heaven, Hell and the Victorians by Michael Wheeler.
Labels:Film and literature,Tutorial | 0
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Disneyland report, with loads of pictures ;).
Yesterday I
returned home from my wonderful trip to Disney! :D I had lots of fun with
Bianca, a good friend with whom I went to Disney.
Day 1:
I left for
Roosendaal (a city near the Dutch boarder) on Thursday after having worked the
entire day... you can imagine how tired I was when I got there. My friend
picked me up by car and I stayed over at her place. We set our alarm clock at 5
o’clock so we could leave the house at 6 and head to Disney by car. The next
day everything went according to plan.
Labels:Disney,Life and stuff | 0
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