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Friday, 23 December 2011
A Christmas Carol: my favourite movie versions!
Well as I
am exceedingly bored at work as there is no one calling or e-mailing us I
decided to write another blogpost! As Christmas is rapidly nearing, what could
possibly be a better topic to write about than Dickens’ A Christmas Carol? Ever since I was a child I have been a huge fan
of this story. Not only have I read the book, but I have also see quite a few
different movie versions. I thought it would be fun to write a blogpost with
recommendations on the different movie versions that I really like.
Labels:Christmas,Film and literature | 2
Monday, 19 December 2011
Christmas tree, amusementpark, one year together!
Well the
past few weeks have been rather busy. Last week on Sunday I went to the garden
centre with my fiance to see if I could find some additions to my Christmas
tree. Instead I bought some supplies to make a Christmas centrepiece haha. I
have not done this in ages and have been wanting to do it since forever... So I
decided to buy the supplies and have some fun with it. I will probably leave it
to the night before Christmas to do it or so, as I will have quite a lot to do
for the coming days... yes I have some homework that I really need to catch up
with. I had a lot of fun dragging by fiance along all the Christmas stuff. This
year's goal is to get him into the Christmas spirit. So far I am the only
person who has persuaded him to tag along to a gardening centre when they have
Christmas goods... :P So I might be able to pull it off hahaha.
Labels:Christmas,Life and stuff | 2
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Dear readers,
As promised an entire blogpost on Sinterklaas! I apologize that it took me so long to put this up... I actually wrote it last Thursday at work, but forgot to send it to myself... yeah very smart XD. I will
first start with an explanation for my non-Dutch readers, after which I will
cut to the more important stuff… PRESSENTS! :P
Labels:Life and stuff | 2
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
New layout
Dear readers,
Well after three hours of struggling with Artisteer and blogger to upload the new Christmas layout it is finally up and running! Apparently part of the automatically generated HTML code was incomplete, causing the entire layout to go haywire. ^__^" So yes, this layout took up far more of my time than I had planned lol. I hope you like it though! It's not exactly what I had in mind. In the original layout I had a flash header in which it snowed (so you saw Santa whilst snow flakes were slowly falling down)... However, for some reason blogger won't let me incorporate it, so it had to go. ^^ But I suppose this layout will do for now.
The next blog update really will be about the Dutch holiday Sinterklaas. I will try to put it up tomorrow! ;)
Well after three hours of struggling with Artisteer and blogger to upload the new Christmas layout it is finally up and running! Apparently part of the automatically generated HTML code was incomplete, causing the entire layout to go haywire. ^__^" So yes, this layout took up far more of my time than I had planned lol. I hope you like it though! It's not exactly what I had in mind. In the original layout I had a flash header in which it snowed (so you saw Santa whilst snow flakes were slowly falling down)... However, for some reason blogger won't let me incorporate it, so it had to go. ^^ But I suppose this layout will do for now.
The next blog update really will be about the Dutch holiday Sinterklaas. I will try to put it up tomorrow! ;)
Labels:Blog thingies | 0
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Trip to York, Materials of Mourning conference
Here is the
account of my trip to York, as promised. I hope you will enjoy it! :D
Day 1:
The flight and train ride went very
smooth. We took off at 12.10 in Amsterdam and arrived at about 15.30 at the Bed
and Breakfast, where we were received a warm welcome from Nigel, the owner. He
immediately explained to us how to get to the city center etc. and talked us
into trying a real English breakfast (even though we had first decided not to
take one haha!). I highly recommend this B&B, as their service is brilliant! :D The interior is nice and cozy and the rooms are quite specious. The bathroom is a bit on the small side, but it's big enough if you are just staying there for a few days... And the owners are super friendly! For those of you interested, this is their website:
Labels:Christmas,Conferences,Life and stuff | 0
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Trip to York and working for :D
Dear reader,
Just a quick update before I go to York tomorrow. I am
really sorry for neglecting my weblog, but I have been insanely busy (as always
I suppose haha). I have been doing nothing but reading as I have to keep up
with my tutorial, Inventing the Self course and had to do the research for my
MA thesis proposal. In combination with 16 hours of work a week and spending
time with my fiance (I don’t want to neglect him! T_T) you can imagine what my
life has been like for the past few weeks. And as I did not experience anything
exciting I thought it would be rather pointless to write an update… Unless
people love to hear me whine about how stressed out I was etc. :P But I really
doubt that. In the meantime I have finished the draft of my MA thesis proposal,
so I have a bit more (though not that much) time at my disposal.
However, I have a quite a few things to blog about
Labels:Conferences,Disney,Life and stuff | 0
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