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Thursday, 5 September 2013
Battling the kilos with Weight Watchers! :D
Dear readers,
As some of you might
now, I have been battling the kilos for a while now. As weight loss is
quite a hot topic lately, I thought I should share my experiences with you. Since
I can imagine some people are just anxious to know if the diet works and would
not care to read about my motivations for starting a diet, I have divided this
post up in two sections. Feel free to jump to the second section if you are
just interested in the program itself. And for those of you who really don’t
give a hoot about diets: don’t worry, this is one of the two posts in total
that I will post on this topic. The second post is of course going to be when I
actually attain my goal.
Why did I go on a diet?
Many of you may
wonder: why did I want to lose weight? More importantly I was starting to feel
really insecure about myself. I was pretty much whining to myself about not
liking the fat on my back and that I started to outgrow my clothes (seeing that
I am rather proud of my collection of cute, adorable and witty shirts, this was
a pretty big issue for me). I was basically now stuck in between normal sizes
and big girl sizes. One day I was getting really sick of my own whining (which
I mostly did to myself, so most of you will not have known that it was an issue
at all lol), I looked it to diets picked one and signed myself up for Weight
Watchers. Although I have a tendency to grow a little impatient with people who
complain about something which they can easily change, with myself I absolutely
have 0 tolerance for this hahaha. (Please note that I don’t mean that losing
weight is easy for everyone! Some people really struggle to lose weight and
still only lose a few pounds.
Ever since I started
studying (which is now about 7 years ago) I started to gain weight. When I
started at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, which is a University College, I
weight 68 kg. When I started Weightwatchers I had gained 13 kilos (over
6 years); I weighted 81 kg! So yes, time for a drastic change. I decided that I
wanted to lose 12 kilos, which would put me on my healthy weight (my height is
169 so I should weigh 69 kg) and a healthy BMI.
Why not aim even lower and be all nice and skinny? One word: HIPS! I have naturally wide hips (those are bone, not fat), so if I loose too much weight, I will end up like this (but without the sexy vibe):
(All credit to Amy Mebberson for this awesome artwork!)
Although this might look cute (and awesome!) on the artwork, in real life we would call this disproportionate lol.
Ok, so does Weight Watchers actually work?
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