Monday, 21 March 2011

New job, Guilliver's travels and other updates

Dear reader,

It has been a while since I have posted a blog, I really apologise, but I have been exceptionally busy lately.

First the good news. Most people already know, but I have been hired by a company to work at their call centre. So yeay: another of my goals for this year has been fulfilled!!!! The call centre is an inbound customer care centre, so I won’t actually have to call people nor try to sell them things (else I would never have taken the job). So yes, I am quite happy that I got hired for the job. My training was supposed to start on Monday, but it got rescheduled to Friday. However, there was one surprise in store for me. Last Thursday I received a call from the job agency that the company had asked them to call me to see if I could fill in for their receptionist (my guess is that the previous receptionist got fired). So I have been already working at the company since Thursday. Today is my last day as their receptionist; I am at work as I am typing this. It is extremely quiet at this point, so I am using my time to write a blog.

I was rather nervous, since I did not really know what to expect; I had never worked as a receptionist before (hence my surprise that the company had specifically asked for me). But so far everything has gone quite smooth. All that I have had to do was sort out the mail, reserve conference rooms and answer the phone (which is just me putting people through or redirecting them to a different number). So it’s nothing too intense ;). But apparently the fact that I can reserve a conference room was really something shocking… People ask me to, but they expect me not to know how to do it, whereas it is really very simple. lol I have no idea what kind of people they have had working here, but apparently they were not too bright. Though I really have to say that I am happy that they did not hire me for this job, because I would literally go round the bend if I had to do this two days a week for half a year, if not longer lol. It really is a bit too simple for me. I really wonder what the training will bring, but I guess I will have to see on Monday.

And the cutest thing is that they have actually given me a bouquet of tulips as a ‘welcome to the company’ gift. I really think it is touching. Everyone here is really nice as well, so I am guessing that I will enjoy my time here. Or well… so I hope hahaha.

Last Tuesday I went to see Guilliver’s travels with my best friend. The movie really was hilarious. They really managed to create a modern Guilliver that does not do harm to the original. They even added some depth to the story, which enabled Guilliver’s character to develop throughout the story. They even used romance as one of the plot triggers. I love the way how they managed to make a parody of American society, especially through the adaptation of advertisement. I really do think that the movie is worth seeing, so if you ever have the chance and like Jack Black as an actor (especially in the movies The Holiday or School of Rock): go see it!

Also on Saturday my fiancé and his mom came over for a type of ‘the parents meet the parents’ lol. They knew each other when my fiancé and I were little, so I was not all that nervous about it. And I was right: they get along splendidly. Something I am really happy about. My mother-in-law is really very cool, so I am one lucky girl. ^^

So yeah I am a busy, busy, busy bee… except for now then ;). I will try to update a bit more frequently; if school, work and social life allow.

