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Friday, 2 March 2012
The introduction of Strange dreams galore and Nightmare alley
Dear readers,
As some of you might know, my sleep is usually plagued by dreams which
are mostly scary or weird. I have been doubting whether or not to write them in
my blog as I would not know if people would be interested in reading them.
However, as several people have actually told me that I should write them down,
I will be adding a special section to my blog called ‘Dreams’. This section is
again divided into ‘Strange dreams galore’ and ‘Nightmare alley’ (if anyone has
a better name for either of the sections feel free to share hahah!).
I expect the ‘Nightmare Alley’ section to be updated most frequently, as
I tend to have a lot of scary dreams. Before I start describing my dreams it
might be wise to state here that I hardly watch any science fiction movies or
series (the only one I am currently watching is Eureka) and that I really do
not have a vampire, werewolf etc. obsession. The last series that I actually
watched which had vampires in it was The
Vampire Dairies, which was about a year ago. Also, I do not play any
videogames, except for Terraria (which is a platform game that does have some
flying eyeballs and zombies in it… But I have never encountered those in my
dreams haha). The reason why I write this is to testify that the similarities between
my dreams and an actual series are purely coincidental.
Today I will start off with my first entry for the ‘Nightmare Alley’
section. I had this dream about a year ago, but it is still vividly engraved
into my memory.
The setting was Victorian England. I had befriended a girl with long
brown hair that fell on her shoulders in luscious curls. Her complexion was
quite white, but this only enhanced the beautiful contours of her face. She
moved with an elegance and grace unmatched by any of her
peers. It will then come as no surprise that exactly this beauty had attracted
the attention of a vampire. This vampire was a charismatic and of course
beautiful man (how can it be otherwise). He was dressed in what might best be
described as a Victorian aristocratic outfit and had long, brown, straight hair
which he usually put in a ponytail.
After a few failed attempts (due to my interference) of the Vampire to
get his hands on the girl I decided to help my friend flee the town. Our plan
was to hide the girl in a cabin trunk and to arrange for the trunk to be driven
to a nearby village by one of the locals. I was to hide behind the trunk so I
could intervene if the vampire was to show up. On the day of our departure
everything seemed to be going to plan… Until we reached an open plane near the
edge of the forest which was close to our native village. There the vampire
appeared out of nowhere and landed on the trunk whilst laughing viciously. He
was clearly amused at our attempt to escape.
He grew out his nails until they were approximately the length of a
short sword and with one thrust threw his arm right through the trunk and the
bottom of the cart, only missing my friend by an inch. In a panic I tried to stop
him by grabbing his arm, but was thrown off the cart by him without any effort.
He wrecked what was left of the trunk and carried my friend off into the
Without hesitating I tried to follow them, which was not very easy as
the vampire moved quite quickly. At a certain point I lost them, but somehow I
knew exactly where to look. I rushed towards an abandoned church in the middle
of the forest. The heavy wooden door was slightly ajar and as I pushed it open
with all my might I saw my friend lying on the floor. I was too late; the
vampire had killed her. As I kneeled down beside her lifeless body, the tears
welling up in my eyes, I heard a hollow laughter behind me. I had not noticed
the Vampire standing on the altar behind me. With a swift movement he landed in
front of me. Scared as I was, I tried to move away by moving backwards on the
floor. As my left arm slipped away from
under me and I fell over, the vampire saw its chance to move on top of me. He
grew out the nail on his left forefinger. Whilst slowly moving it across my
cheek and grazing my skin with it, he said that I had shown some real gumption,
so I need not be afraid of him. With a malicious smile which was accompanied by
a playful tone of voice he added: ‘Don’t worry; I will only torture you a
And that is where my dream ended. It really was quite the
adventure. Once I told a friend about my
dream, he said that the fact that the vampire could grow out his nails reminded
him of a series called Sanctuary. I have never seen that series so if some of
my readers might have spotted the resemblance it is entirely coincidental.
Well we have now come at the end of my first dream entry. I hope you
have enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! :D
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